Posts Tagged ‘sex’

Stairway to the little death

September 27, 2008
"lost stairway" - Raphael Goetter

"lost stairway" by Raphael Goetter

There was a lull.
She peeled her clothes off and her lips grew crooked.
Step one. Transcending.
He was vivid in her mind. Every curve, every crevice.
The hollow of his hip, a path carved in bone.
The scent of his musk.
She closed her eyes. She was climbing.

The female expat experience

September 24, 2008

Perception of the male and female expat

“Your meet me call me, to piet padang.I LIKE YOU.SEE YOU BY.And I LOVE YOU,SORRY.”

It was the night before I left Padang, Sumatra, to return to Jakarta, when I received this sms from “Piet Padang”. (more…)

Don’t be sorry. Just be

September 21, 2008
Freddie died of AIDS in 1991, at the age of 45 and at the top of his career as a bombastic singer of the group band Queen. This was taken from

Freddie died of AIDS in 1991, at the age of 45 and at the top of his career as a bombastic singer of the group band Queen. This was taken from

It happened in 2003. That was when I met the one person that would change the course of my life forever. Attempts have been made to recollect memories of what happened during that crucial period, and they have all been fruitless. The emotional attachment I have with the topic has made it quite impossible to position myself as an objective observer. Perhaps, this time it would be different.


The three-letter dilemma: read it or have it?

September 6, 2008
A ripped page reposted inside a vehicle in London, taken during my trip to England as I arrived on Aug. 16, 2008.

Like it was decades, or even centuries ago, Indonesia is still a country where babies are born, but never made. Sexuality and sensuality are butchered and fed to hungry dogs with genitalia dragged above the ground. And like it was with me years ago, the dilemma is still the same: should I have some or read some?

A ripped page reposted inside a vehicle in London, taken during my trip to England as I arrived on Aug. 16, 2008.


Jack and Jill sitting in a tree…

September 5, 2008

The theory of the evolution of a relationship."Oh Denis doo-bee-doo I'm so in love with you..."
So I’ve been in a serious relationship 3 times and I’m beginning to spot a pattern. Three different times, three different guys, three different situations but basically this is the main rundown:
At first (a time span usually ranging from month number one to four, depending on frequency of sex), a normal conversation is:
– Hey, this song, it’s totally how I feel about you.
– What? Blondie’s ‘Denis’?
– Yeah. Cheesy huh?
