To Eat or Not to Eat, that Is the Question

A sign saying <i>jangan makan</i> or <i>don't eat</i> that can be found in the smoking lounge of 'Menara Batavia'

A sign saying "jangan makan" or don't eat that can be found inside the smoking lounge of 'Menara Batavia'

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3 Responses to “To Eat or Not to Eat, that Is the Question”

  1. Titus Says:

    Hi Lovelli,

    “Don’t eat” sign is still make sense than “Don’t smoke” or “No smoking” sign. That is installed in smoking room, right? I think the room want to take “revenge” to dining room where commonly installed “Dilarang Merokok” or “No smoking” sign.

    It’s witty picture.

  2. lovelli Says:

    That’s one way of looking at it, Titus. It wasn’t in my mind the moment I took the picture, though. But it is interesting to see, in real life, that design is not everything but…

    everything is designed.

    I posted the picture as a response to Belinda’s interest in learning Indonesian. If I were to be walking around in a city slash country slash area that was very foreign to me and the only language I mastered was English but it wasn’t used in the country, I’d learn first from such signs and symbols.

  3. Marmalade Says:

    I make a point of asking people not to eat while I’m smoking. It upsets my delicate olfactory senses. The fat bastards.

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